Our indus­try exper­ti­se

Mas­ter your nego­tia­ti­ons in the Pla­s­tics indus­try

Stra­te­gies for decis­i­on-makers

“Prof. Dr. Jack Nas­her is one of the world’s lea­ding experts on nego­tia­ti­on.”

Advan­ta­ges of our nego­tia­ti­on advice


Free poten­ti­al ana­ly­sis

Free iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of poten­ti­al befo­re the start of the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on


Per­for­mance-rela­ted com­pen­sa­ti­on

Fee with signi­fi­cant per­for­mance-rela­ted com­po­nent


Indus­try exper­ti­se

Use of seni­or indus­try experts


Crack­ing mono­po­lies

Suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­on even in the absence of com­pe­ti­ti­on


Sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly sound

Use of methods with demons­tra­b­ly bet­ter results

The chall­enge

A weak nego­tia­ting posi­ti­on

The pla­s­tics indus­try poses par­ti­cu­lar chal­lenges for nego­tia­tors. Bet­ween strong raw mate­ri­al sup­pli­ers and a high­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve cus­to­mer mar­ket, it is the manu­fac­tu­ring com­pa­nies that find them­sel­ves in a dif­fi­cult sand­wich posi­ti­on.

In this dyna­mic envi­ron­ment, decis­i­on-makers need sophisti­ca­ted stra­te­gies to suc­cessful­ly repre­sent their inte­rests and achie­ve opti­mal results.

The nego­tia­ting posi­ti­on of com­pa­nies in the pla­s­tics indus­try is often weak. While raw mate­ri­al sup­pli­ers dic­ta­te their terms and con­di­ti­ons and com­pe­ti­ti­ve pres­su­re on cus­to­mer mar­kets increa­ses, injec­tion mol­ders and other pro­du­cers fight for every mar­gin increase.

Wit­hout sound nego­tia­ting skills and a deep under­stan­ding of the tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic frame­work con­di­ti­ons, many com­pa­nies fall short of their poten­ti­al.


Tar­ge­ted nego­tia­ti­on advice for decis­i­on-makers in the pla­s­tics indus­try

The NAS­HER Nego­tia­ti­on Insti­tu­te offers spe­cia­li­zed trai­ning and con­sul­ting tail­o­red to the needs of the pla­s­tics indus­try.

Our expe­ri­en­ced trai­ners will not only teach you the most important nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques, but also a deep under­stan­ding of the tech­ni­cal details that are cru­cial in this indus­try.

You will learn to reco­gni­ze and exploit the other side’s weak­ne­s­ses in order to streng­then your nego­tia­ting posi­ti­on and achie­ve out­stan­ding results.


Maxi­mi­ze nego­tia­ti­on suc­cess and secu­re com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ges

The NAS­HER Nego­tia­ti­on Insti­tu­te trai­ning cour­ses will enable you to nego­tia­te suc­cessful­ly even in the chal­len­ging pla­s­tics indus­try.

You will impro­ve your company’s mar­gins, opti­mi­ze the terms of your sup­p­ly con­tracts and sus­tain­ab­ly streng­then your posi­ti­on in nego­tia­ti­ons.

Beco­me an indis­pensable decis­i­on-maker in your com­pa­ny and secu­re a decisi­ve com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ge.

Video with Dr. Oliver Mäsch­le

What we can do for com­pa­nies in the pla­s­tic parts sec­tor

Lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal media report about us

Get free call­back now

You get the sup­port you want

Dr. Oliver Mäsch­le