Your way to a sove­reign TOP nego­tia­tor

As an entre­pre­neur and exe­cu­ti­ve, you’­ve alre­a­dy achie­ved a lot. Now take your nego­tia­ti­on per­for­mance to the next level and get Prof. Dr. Jack Nasher’s com­ple­te nego­tia­ti­on know­ledge for the best deals in three modu­les.

Pre­sence, online or in-house — your decis­i­on

Lear­ning to nego­tia­te per­fect­ly inte­gra­ted into ever­y­day life


Pre­sence semi­nars in Munich

Our face-to-face semi­nars take place in beau­tiful Munich in a first-class 5‑star hotel. The ambi­ence offers plea­sant and ide­al con­di­ti­ons for lear­ning. Come alo­ne or with col­le­agues, fri­ends and part­ners!


Online Aca­de­my inde­pen­dent of time and place

Use our Online Aca­de­my to com­ple­ment your class­room semi­nar or as part of the 8‑week DEAL­MA­KER PRO cour­se — inclu­ding live recor­dings, prac­ti­cal exer­ci­s­es and Q&A ses­si­ons.


In-house trai­nings indi­vi­du­al­ly for your com­pa­ny

Do you have indi­vi­du­al needs and want to host the nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning semi­nars in your own com­pa­ny? A cer­ti­fied NAS­HER trai­ner has the exper­ti­se for your indus­try.

Modu­le 1 — Nego­tia­ti­on Prac­ti­tio­ner

Learn the 5 steps of suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­ons

Based on Prof. Dr. Jack Nasher’s world best­sel­ler ‘Deal!’ you will learn the 5 steps of suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­on. You do not need any pre­vious know­ledge.

With the know­ledge gai­ned in this modu­le, you will be able to assess peo­p­le and reco­gni­ze the tac­tics of expe­ri­en­ced nego­tia­tors. Alre­a­dy at your next nego­tia­ti­on you will be the decisi­ve step ahead of your coun­ter­part.

Exci­ting infor­ma­ti­on makes this semi­nar both edu­ca­tio­nal and enter­tai­ning. The con­tent includes win-win tech­ni­ques of the ‘Har­vard Method’, sophisti­ca­ted per­cep­ti­on decep­ti­ons of Nobel Pri­ze win­ner Kah­ne­man and cle­ver tac­tics of New York real estate tycoons.

Inclu­ding sup­ple­men­ta­ry modu­le “Expo­sed!”

Beco­me a human lie detec­tor!

Modu­le 2 — Nego­tia­ti­on Pro­fes­sio­nal

Mas­ter com­plex nego­tia­ti­ons with con­fi­dence

In this modu­le, the five stages of suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­on are explo­red in grea­ter depth and prac­ti­ced using com­plex nego­tia­ti­on simu­la­ti­ons. Pre­re­qui­si­te for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on is the suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of modu­le 1.

In the prac­ti­cal appli­ca­ti­on of the five steps, the spe­cial focus is on BAT­NA, framing and nego­tia­ting in a team. In addi­ti­on, you will train ques­tio­ning tech­ni­ques to find out how far your coun­ter­part will actual­ly go.

After com­ple­ting this modu­le, you will not only know, but mas­ter the most effec­ti­ve nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques. You will be able to see through even the most expe­ri­en­ced nego­tia­tor and main­tain the upper hand in the most com­plex nego­tia­ti­ons.

Inclu­ding sup­ple­men­ta­ry modu­le “Con­vin­ced!”

Show what you are made of!

Modu­le 3 — Nego­tia­ti­on Expert

Per­fec­ting nego­tia­ti­on suc­cess and making it plan­nable

You have alre­a­dy lear­ned the five steps of suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­on and have mas­te­red every nego­tia­ti­on. Real­ly every nego­tia­ti­on? The pre­re­qui­si­te for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on is the suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of Modu­le 2.

In this Modu­le 3, you will learn advan­ced tech­ni­ques to plan your nego­tia­ti­on suc­cess and you will per­fect your nego­tia­ti­on skills.

You will learn how to find the BAT­NA wit­hout a con­cre­te alter­na­ti­ve, how to app­ly insights from game theo­ry to nego­tia­ti­on prac­ti­ce to find the Pare­to Fron­tier and Nash Equi­li­bri­um, and how to crea­te packa­ges using the Mul­ti­ple Equi­va­lent Simul­ta­neous Offers (MESO) method.

Our secret


Our trai­nings com­bi­ne the best of modern sci­ence and prac­ti­ce from lea­ding deal­ma­kers. Know, don’t know is the mot­to. With simu­la­ti­ons and real-world examp­les, you learn and train on mul­ti­ple levels simul­ta­neous­ly. We empha­si­ze respect, authen­ti­ci­ty and humor — with a sup­port­i­ve and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve lear­ning envi­ron­ment.

The Nego­tia­ti­on Mas­tery

The com­ple­te nego­tia­ti­on know­ledge — inter­na­li­ze indi­vi­du­al­ly

After the three-stage trai­ning, the­re is the icing on the cake: the NAS­HER Mas­tery. It takes place in a small group of sel­ec­ted par­ti­ci­pan­ts with Prof. Dr. Jack Nas­her and you spend three days tog­e­ther at a spe­cial place — by per­so­nal invi­ta­ti­on only after com­ple­ting all three modu­les.

Glo­bal­ly reco­gni­zed exper­ti­se

Our inter­na­tio­nal net­work

Lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal media report about us

The most fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons about nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning


No. Our par­ti­ci­pan­ts are usual­ly suc­cessful entre­pre­neurs and exe­cu­ti­ves and have expe­ri­ence in nego­tia­ting. But you don’t need any pri­or know­ledge of Jack Nasher’s pro­fes­sio­nal stra­te­gies and methods. No mat­ter whe­re you are, your nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning starts with Modu­le 1.

You don’t real­ly have time, right? Then you feel the same way as any of our par­ti­ci­pan­ts. For this reason, we have deve­lo­ped fle­xi­ble forms of lear­ning that opti­mal­ly suit your per­so­nal lear­ning type. You can do it.

If you are a regu­lar nego­tia­tor, the ques­ti­on is rather the other way round: Can you afford not to achie­ve the best nego­tia­ti­on result for yours­elf and your com­pa­ny? The invest­ment in your per­so­nal skills always pays off — becau­se you will never get rid of yours­elf!

With us, you attend more than a semi­nar — you com­ple­te a pro­fes­sio­nal nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning. Step by step, you will learn to inde­pendent­ly app­ly the stra­te­gies and methods of pro­fes­sio­nal nego­tia­ti­on. The nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning con­sists of three modu­les (inclu­ding the addi­tio­nal modu­les “Expo­sed” and “Con­vin­ced”) and com­bi­nes sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly based nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques with prac­ti­ce-pro­ven methods.

Prof. Dr. Jack Nas­her is one of the “world’s lea­ding nego­tia­ti­on con­sul­tants” (FOR­BES). He advi­ses and coa­ches com­pa­nies in bil­li­on-dol­lar tran­sac­tions as well as in dif­fi­cult per­so­nal cri­ses. He stu­di­ed at Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty and beca­me the youn­gest Bava­ri­an uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sor. His books have been published around the glo­be and have beco­me best­sel­lers.

Beco­me a deal­ma­ker in 2024

Regis­ter now and recei­ve semi­nar bro­chu­re

You don’t learn pro­fes­sio­nal nego­tia­ti­on in school or at uni­ver­si­ty. NAS­HER nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning enables entre­pre­neurs and exe­cu­ti­ves to nego­tia­te con­fi­dent­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly — to get what they real­ly want fore­ver.

The three secrets of the art of nego­tia­ti­on

Why the most suc­cessful entre­pre­neurs make their best deals wit­hout having to sell