Sales Nego­tia­ti­on

Psy­cho­lo­gists Syd­ney Sie­gel and Law­rence Fou­ra­ker con­duc­ted a now famous nego­tia­ti­on expe­ri­ment: They pro­mi­sed ‘test nego­tia­tors’ a bonus round whe­re ever­yo­ne could dou­ble their pro­fit. But only tho­se nego­tia­tors abo­ve a cer­tain pro­fit level would be allo­wed to par­ti­ci­pa­te in this bonus nego­tia­ti­on round. One group was told that the mini­mum pro­fit was $ 6.10, the other that it was $ 2.10. So now ever­yo­ne had a con­cre­te tar­get in mind. Lo and behold, tho­se in the $ 6.10 group achie­ved an avera­ge pro­fit of $ 6.25. Tho­se in the 2.10 dol­lar group, on the other hand, achie­ved $ 3.35.

The importance for the sales nego­tia­ti­on

The clear result: The more opti­mi­stic your goals arethe bet­ter your nego­tia­ti­on result will be. Becau­se with a spe­ci­fic nego­tia­ti­on goal in mind, you are now more likely to see facts that sup­port your goals and you have a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent Expec­ta­ti­on. Low nego­tia­ti­on tar­gets pre­vent fears of fail­ure, but lead to cle­ar­ly lead to worse results. “Let’s see how it goes” is the mot­to of beg­in­ners hea­ding into a sales nego­tia­ti­on.

The main mista­ke: focus on the mini­mum

Ima­gi­ne you are in a Sales Nego­tia­ti­on for your old cell pho­ne and tell yours­elf that you are at least € 100 want to have. Now someone offers you € 95 — what hap­pens? You are now imme­dia­te­ly rela­tively rela­xed, becau­se you are very clo­se to the num­ber in your head. But what does your nego­tia­ting part­ner do? He noti­ces it — con­scious­ly or uncon­scious­ly — and will now hard­ly go up. It would be com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent, howe­ver, if you had pre­pared in advan­ce a Tar­get from € 150 set. At your counterpart’s first offer, you would flinch and move on.
Most peo­p­le focus on their mini­mum in sales nego­tia­ti­ons with the result that they almost always get a pri­ce that is very clo­se to it.

What to do in the sales nego­tia­ti­on?

Stu­dies have shown that it is important for the Nego­tia­ti­on suc­cess harmful to focus on the mini­mum, becau­se then the mini­mum beco­mes the gui­de­line. With a per­fect sales nego­tia­ti­on but ins­tead, always direct your focus to your maxi­mum.
Set the hig­hest pos­si­ble tar­getthat still has to be jus­ti­fied in some way. Of cour­se, the fol­lo­wing appli­es: A goal should ambi­tious but still rea­li­stic be: Your Ford Fies­ta is not worth as much as a Fer­ra­ri but just as much as the most expen­si­ve Fies­ta you can find! When you focus on this desi­red goal, we per­cei­ve ever­y­thing else as a loss and are high­ly moti­va­ted.

Sales nego­tia­ti­ons in orga­niza­ti­ons

It is not at all easy to be clear about your goal, espe­ci­al­ly when you are ope­ra­ting within an orga­niza­ti­on. Whe­ther it is Goals for a sales nego­tia­ti­on or very gene­ral goals: a young mana­ger had her first day in a lar­ge com­pa­ny and was sup­po­sed to work on the Cor­po­ra­te stra­tegy work. To do this, in your first mee­ting, she asked the twel­ve other lea­ders to share their respec­ti­ve Goal for the com­pa­ny to note down. Ever­yo­ne was visi­bly annoy­ed why this new­co­mer was was­ting their time with some­thing so obvious. Short­ly after­wards, ever­yo­ne was all the more ama­zed: it was­n’t a few dif­fe­rent goals that emer­ged — rather, every sin­gle mana­ger had a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent one. If you are nego­tia­ting in a team, it is the­r­e­fo­re even more important to for­mu­la­te a crys­tal-clear goal — espe­ci­al­ly in a sales nego­tia­ti­on whe­re a num­ber is at sta­ke!

At NAS­HER Semi­nar learn how to use the respec­ti­ve right tar­get find it with ‘objec­ti­ve cri­te­ria’ jus­ti­fy this goal for the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal tech­ni­que of ‘ancho­ring’ to use with each Sales nego­tia­ti­on with the maxi­mum to go out! Sign up now.

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