When the best nego­tia­tors play in your team

When just a few minu­tes of a nego­tia­ti­on can make or break a for­tu­ne, you should be per­fect­ly pre­pared. Are you facing an important nego­tia­ti­on and want to make sure you don’t make any cos­t­ly mista­kes? Get in touch!

Per­so­nal. Indi­vi­du­al. Spe­cia­li­zed.

Nego­tia­ti­on advice from the pro­fes­sio­nals



Our con­sul­tants come to your com­pa­ny to impro­ve nego­tia­ti­on skills, metho­di­cal­ly plan nego­tia­ti­ons and equip employees with nego­tia­ti­on stra­te­gies.

individual case consulting

Indi­vi­du­al case con­sul­ta­ti­on

We per­so­nal­ly assist you with nego­tia­ti­ons on com­pa­ny shares, land and real estate, inhe­ri­tance and busi­ness suc­ces­si­on, licen­sing agree­ments, start-up, inves­tors, joint ven­ture and more.


Retail Advi­so­ry

NAS­HER Retail Nego­tia­ti­ons advi­ses ope­ra­tors of lar­ger lea­se port­fo­li­os on opti­mi­zing their exis­ting port­fo­li­os through cost trans­for­ma­ti­on, rea­lignment and port­fo­lio expan­si­on.

Nas­her nego­tia­ti­on con­sul­ting

Nego­tia­ti­on con­sul­tants at your side when it counts

For more than 20 years, Prof. Dr. Jack Nas­her has been dri­ven by the ques­ti­on of how peo­p­le get what they real­ly want, to live the life they’­ve always drea­med of.

To this end, he is just as com­mit­ted to nego­tia­ti­on prac­ti­ce as he is to rese­arch. The four-time best­sel­ling aut­hor is inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed as the expert on nego­tia­ti­on. He is your per­so­nal trai­ner, con­sul­tant and men­tor.

spe­cia­lists in nego­tia­ti­on con­sul­ting

Exper­ti­se for your indus­try

Glo­bal­ly reco­gni­zed exper­ti­sé

Our inter­na­tio­nal net­work

Lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal media report about us

Get free call­back now

You get the sup­port you want

  • Per­so­nal indi­vi­du­al case con­sul­ta­ti­on
  • Con­sul­ting for com­pa­nies and orga­niza­ti­ons
  • Retail Advi­so­ry
