What do you think of when you hear the word negotiate? Most associate it with a large negotiating table where board members and a retinue of professional negotiators sit across from each other and haggle over a billion-dollar sale. Such scenarios do exist, but they represent only a fraction of real-world negotiating.
Negotiation professional from the ground up
We start doing this very early, long before we ever heard of the Harvard concept. Successful negotiation starts in infancy: we shout until we are fed — without any negotiation training at all. Later, we want to drink Coke, stay awake longer and get more pocket money — again, we haven’t been to a negotiation seminar. A few years after that, we want to dye our hair, go out until midnight and drive the car and often negotiate successfully — again without negotiation training.
Successful negotiation in everyday life
Once we’re grown up, it’s on to the next question: Which family car will we buy? Where are we going on vacation? What are we going to eat today? But we lose our childlike stubbornness that so often let us negotiate successfully, especially as circumstances become more complicated — or so it seems. Yet you do it every time a policeman stops you, you’ve lost your parking ticket, or you want to exchange something without a receipt. At work, of course, you negotiate with customers in price negotiations, with sales or purchasing, and with your boss in salary negotiations. But every conversation also involves negotiation. Because every time you try to convince someone, you are negotiating — namely about who is right.
How often do you negotiate?
“What have you already negotiated today?”. We start the DEAL negotiation training with this question and only slowly does everyone realize how many everyday situations actually represent negotiation scenarios — the world is a huge negotiation table! Scientists assume that we do it for no less than forty hours a week — far away from any negotiation training! Whether this figure applies to you or not, you negotiate frequently and it would significantly improve your life if you negotiated successfully more often.
Negotiating successfully means having control
And indeed, today there are two prices for almost everything: the price for the one who negotiates successfully and the price for the others. This is accompanied every day by the feeling that we could have done better if only we had negotiated successfully. How uncomfortable is it when we buy an apartment and later learn that our neighbor paid 20 % less for his, identical apartment, simply because his negotiation skills are better? How you act in the countless negotiation situations from the moment you get up in the morning to the moment you go to bed will determine whether you feel like an overreaching jerk or a master of the situation. Learn the most effective negotiation techniques from the negotiation professionals with us and never again feel like you’ve given something away. Instead, you will now be relaxed in every negotiation because you know you negotiated optimally. With this good feeling you will now leave every negotiation! Learn to negotiate successfully now and sign up for the NASHER seminar!
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