
Beco­me a human lie detec­tor!

The sup­ple­men­ta­ry modu­le to Nego­tia­ti­on Prac­ti­tio­ner (Modu­le 1)

  • 1‑day inten­si­ve semi­nar
  • With Prof. Dr. Jack Nas­her
  • Imme­dia­te­ly appli­ca­ble know­ledge


The 1‑day semi­nar is based on the methods of Jack Nas­her mir­ror best­sel­lers THROUGH! and DELAR­VED!. In a small group (typi­cal­ly about 20 par­ti­ci­pan­ts), you will learn tech­ni­ques and methods for see­ing through peo­p­le and get­ting to the who­le truth in every con­ver­sa­ti­on.

Never be lied to again! You learn Know the most effec­ti­ve methods of estab­li­shing the truth: Results of psy­cho­lo­gi­cal rese­arch and inter­ro­ga­ti­on tech­ni­ques of poli­ce and intel­li­gence ser­vices. Jack Nas­her has appli­ed the­se tech­ni­ques to ever­y­day (busi­ness) life, so that you can Imple­ment imme­dia­te­ly in your ever­y­day life can.

Is your coun­ter­part bluf­fing in the nego­tia­ti­on? Are your employees honest with you? Whe­re was your part­ner last night? Did your neigh­bor scratch your car? How much can the boss real­ly pay you?


  • The start­ing point: Why we are good liars and bad debun­kers
  • Are you a natu­ral?
  • Anyo­ne can learn: test your talent!

Reco­gni­ze signs of decep­ti­on

  • Micro­ex­pres­si­ons: The truth is writ­ten on the face
  • The three emo­ti­ons of the liar and how to reco­gni­ze them
  • Beha­vi­oral con­trol: reco­gni­zing ver­bal and non­ver­bal signs

Pro­vo­ke the lie

  • The per­fect inter­ro­ga­ti­on — lear­ning from the pros
  • Open, cali­bra­te and ask cor­rect­ly
  • The right ques­ti­on for every situa­ti­on: bluff test, bait ques­ti­on, rapid fire, fun­nel and reflex ques­ti­on and more.

Get to the who­le truth

  • The FBI’s three steps to get to the truth — appli­ed to ever­y­day life
  • Step 1: The bait
  • Step 2: The the­me
  • Step 3: The alter­na­ti­ve ques­ti­on

You will recei­ve the­se ser­vices