5 days free: Beco­me a guest stu­dent

You will gain valuable insights behind the other­wi­se strict­ly clo­sed doors of Prof. Dr. Jack Nasher’s nego­tia­ti­on semi­nar

Imme­dia­te­ly appli­ca­ble know­ledge

The careful­ly sel­ec­ted lear­ning vide­os imme­dia­te­ly impro­ve your nego­tia­ti­on skills.

Know-how from prac­ti­ce

You will recei­ve sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly based know­ledge that has pro­ven its­elf thou­sands of times in prac­ti­ce.

Decis­i­on sup­port

You’ll get a good idea of what to expect at Jack Nas­her.

5 days free lear­ning

Real­ly good nego­tia­tors are not born, they are made!

As a guest stu­dent, you will get a good idea of what to expect in nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning and you will recei­ve valuable tips that you can imple­ment imme­dia­te­ly.

  • Exclu­si­ve LIVE recor­dings of the semi­nar
  • 100% free of char­ge and wit­hout obli­ga­ti­on
  • Imme­dia­te­ly appli­ca­ble nego­tia­ti­on know­ledge


Secu­re this valuable nego­tia­ti­on know­ledge

Don’t miss out on the 5‑day FREE tri­al! In 4 chap­ters you will learn:

  • Intro­duc­tion to the world of nego­tia­ti­on
  • The three bra­kes on nego­tia­ti­ons
  • Your (nego­tia­ti­on) strengths
  • Put­ting tog­e­ther your team

Lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal media report about us

This is how it con­ti­nues …

Step 1

Click the but­ton to go to the order form

Step 1

Step 2

Fill out the form and sub­mit it.

Step 2

Step 3

In a few minu­tes you will recei­ve an e‑mail with your per­so­nal access data and can start imme­dia­te­ly.

Step 3


The three secrets of the art of nego­tia­ti­on

Why the most suc­cessful entre­pre­neurs make their best deals wit­hout having to sell