Beco­me a part of the Nas­her teams

We are expan­ding and loo­king for ener­ge­tic talent to crea­te gre­at deals with us

Our mis­si­on

We crea­te gre­at deals — are you with us?

You can’t learn pro­fes­sio­nal nego­tia­ti­on skills in school or at uni­ver­si­ty. That’s why NAS­HER nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning enables entre­pre­neurs and exe­cu­ti­ves to nego­tia­te con­fi­dent­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly.

For more than 20 years, Prof. Dr. Jack Nas­her has been dri­ven by the ques­ti­on of how peo­p­le get what they real­ly want, to live the life they’­ve always drea­med of.

I look for­ward to your appli­ca­ti­on

David Gross | Mana­ging Direc­tor

Open posi­ti­ons in Team NAS­HER

App­ly now!

Trai­nee nego­tia­ti­on con­sul­tant

Working from home

The Jack Nas­her team is loo­king for remo­te intern­ship sup­port in the area of nego­tia­ti­on con­sul­ting and trai­ning! The Jack Nas­her team is expan­ding and loo­king for dedi­ca­ted talent to sup­port our mis­si­on to…

Back office assistant

On site

The Jack Nas­her team in Kirch­heim unter Teck (Stutt­gart regi­on) is loo­king for you! We are expan­ding and loo­king for ener­ge­tic talents to sup­port our mis­si­on. As an assistant in the back office…

Mar­ke­ting Mana­ger


Beco­me a part of the Jack Nas­her team! You will mana­ge Jack Nasher’s mar­ke­ting efforts and help take the NAS­HER brand to the next level. You…

Ope­ner in sales

Full time, part time

The Jack Nas­her team is loo­king for you in sales! We are expan­ding and loo­king for ener­ge­tic talents to sup­port our mis­si­on. As an ope­ner in sales, you are one of…

Prin­ci­ples of our coope­ra­ti­on

What awaits you in Team NAS­HER

Per­so­nal trai­ning

Go through all the nego­tia­ti­on trai­nings and join us at gre­at events — inclu­ding back­stage.

Inde­pen­dent work

The team is always at your side and stands by you. You are given the free­dom you desi­re to work inde­pendent­ly.

Moti­va­ted & at eye level

We are ONE team and place gre­at trust in each other. We work as equ­als, pull tog­e­ther and achie­ve gre­at things tog­e­ther.


Found a bet­ter way to tack­le some­thing? Gre­at! Get the resour­ces you need to make our gear­box run even smoot­her.

Real team­work

Tog­e­ther we crea­te gre­at things! We pur­sue a com­mon mis­si­on and sup­port each other, no ifs, ands or buts.

Inte­res­t­ing cli­ente­le

Dif­fe­rent peo­p­le and their exci­ting sto­ries always make our work inte­res­t­ing and varied.

Good remu­ne­ra­ti­on

Your per­for­mance pays off: We belie­ve that your con­tri­bu­ti­on to value crea­ti­on should be reflec­ted in your account.

Care­er oppor­tu­ni­ties

We are gro­wing and want you to grow with us.

Fle­xi­ble solu­ti­ons

Plans and life cir­cum­s­tances chan­ge — and that’s a good thing. Tog­e­ther, we find fle­xi­ble solu­ti­ons when it mat­ters.