
Mar­ke­ting Mana­ger


Beco­me a part of the Jack Nas­her team!

You will mana­ge Jack Nasher’s mar­ke­ting acti­vi­ties and help take the NAS­HER brand to the next level. You are a very good all-roun­der in mar­ke­ting (full stack mar­keter), tack­le and help shape.

You know indus­try best prac­ti­ces, under­stand sales psy­cho­lo­gy, con­tri­bu­te ide­as, work in a data-dri­ven man­ner and have a good feel for the mar­ket and brand.

You deve­lop mar­ke­ting mea­su­res and imple­ment them in a tar­ge­ted man­ner — tog­e­ther with inter­nal and exter­nal employees. They keep an eye on all pro­jects and mea­su­res and are the dri­ving force in mar­ke­ting.

Your tasks

  • You deve­lop news­let­ter cam­paigns, wri­te news­let­ters and opti­mi­ze cam­paigns with A/B tests.
  • They over­see You­Tube, Lin­ke­dIn and Insta­gram: You crea­te media plans, post and con­trol inter­ac­tion with the tar­get audi­ence.
  • You deve­lop con­tent, in line with our brand stra­tegy and objec­ti­ves. You plan cam­paigns, wri­te scripts and texts, coor­di­na­te pro­duc­tion and plan the broad­cast of the con­tent.
  • You plan and orga­ni­ze trade fair appearan­ces and events: They ensu­re that we have a top trade fair stand and repre­sent our brand opti­mal­ly on site and achie­ve our goals.
  • You will be respon­si­ble for the pre­pa­ra­ti­on and design of bro­chu­res, offers and adver­ti­sing mate­ri­als, digi­tal and print.
  • You moni­tor and con­trol our paid media cam­paigns (Goog­le Ads, Lin­ke­dIn Ads, Insta­gram Ads, etc.).
  • They ensu­re smooth pro­ces­ses in the tech­ni­cal lead manage­ment: You direct the inter­ac­tion of our sys­tems and tools such as CRM (, Zapier, Air­ta­ble, Active­Cam­paign, etc.
  • You con­s­truct and build con­ver­si­on-strong fun­nels for inte­res­ted par­ties and cus­to­mers
  • You design and orga­ni­ze events and laun­chesthat increase our visi­bi­li­ty and gene­ra­te pro­s­pec­ti­ve cus­to­mers. The­se include web­i­nars and online work­shops.
  • You opti­mi­ze the Bran­ding our brand, online and on-site at class­room events.
  • They are con­stant­ly impro­ving the Cus­to­mer Expe­ri­ence and Cus­to­mer Touch­points and give our brand the “magic touch”.


  • Full time (40 hours per week)
  • You will start remo­te­ly if desi­red. In the medi­um term, a work­place in our office near Stutt­gart (Kirch­heim unter Teck) is desi­ra­ble.

Your requi­re­ments

  • You are not a slow­po­ke, but agi­le and on your toes
  • You work inde­pendent­ly and on your own respon­si­bi­li­ty
  • You are well orga­ni­zed and on sche­du­le
  • You are 100 % relia­ble
  • Your Ger­man is excel­lent (spo­ken and writ­ten)
  • They share Jack Nasher’s high qua­li­ty stan­dards
  • You have seve­ral years of expe­ri­ence with mar­ke­ting

What we offer

  • Inde­pen­dent work
  • Trust in the team
  • Co-design oppor­tu­ni­ties
  • Fle­xi­ble solu­ti­ons when it mat­ters
  • Deal­ing at eye level
  • Good pay­ment
  • Growth cour­se — grow with us!


App­ly now!


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