Nego­tia­te cor­rect­ly

If you nego­tia­te pro­per­ly, you will save mil­li­ons in big nego­tia­ti­ons, but you will also walk away from the count­less small nego­tia­ti­ons of ever­y­day life with the maxi­mum. You will con­vin­ce fri­ends and fami­ly of the vaca­ti­on spots of your choice and argue less often. Howe­ver, “If you have only a ham­mer as a tool, you will see a nail in every pro­blem,” wro­te Aus­tri­an-Ame­ri­can com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons rese­ar­cher Paul Watz­la­wick. And that’s exact­ly how it is when you want to nego­tia­te pro­per­ly. The­re is no one nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­que that will always lead you to nego­tia­ti­on suc­cess. But the tool­box is always the same and the more tools you have and mas­ter in the form of nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques and stra­te­gies, the bet­ter you nego­tia­te.

Effec­ti­ve­ness of nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques

With the right Nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques you can nego­tia­te excel­lent­ly for ever­y­thing and for not­hing with the bad ones. With the best nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques, you will know what power means in a nego­tia­ti­on and how to increase it. You’ll know how, in a mat­ter of moments, you can make a Rela­ti­onship with the nego­tia­ting part­ner builds. You’ll know when to put the first offer on the nego­tia­ting table, and when you’d rather keep quiet. And you will objec­ti­ve cri­te­ria use in their favor. When you Nego­tia­te pro­per­ly, you will grab the right key in a flash, as if from a lar­ge bunch of keys.

Streng­then strengths

Of cour­se, some nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques will come par­ti­cu­lar­ly easi­ly to you and others will not: com­pe­ti­ti­ve nego­tia­tors, for exam­p­le, quick­ly reco­gni­ze who has the nego­tia­ting power and can use their per­cei­ved nego­tia­ting power increase slight­ly. Howe­ver, they find it dif­fi­cult to reco­gni­ze the inte­rests of their nego­tia­ting oppon­ents. Harm­o­ny-ori­en­ted ones, on the other hand, quick­ly reco­gni­ze com­mon nego­tia­ti­on goals and are excel­lent in the Con­ver­sa­tio­nal. But they don’t do it easi­ly, mani­pu­la­ti­ve nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques — such as ancho­ring or framing — in dif­fi­cult nego­tia­ti­on situa­tions.

It does not mat­ter. Nego­tia­te pro­per­ly does not mean that every known Nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­que must app­ly. The gol­fer Tiger Woods focu­ses his trai­ning on his very long dri­ve and not on his rela­tively medio­cre sand game. That’s becau­se he knows what ever­yo­ne who is among the best in his field knows: first the Focus on strengths leads to world class. But if — like most peo­p­le — you spend your life iro­ning out your weak­ne­s­ses, there’s no time for your strengths, you get frus­tra­ted, and yet you never get bey­ond medio­cri­ty.

As in many other are­as of life, nego­tia­ting cor­rect­ly means focu­sing on your strengths! Use the nego­tia­ti­on stra­te­gies and tech­ni­ques you feel com­for­ta­ble with and you will rea­li­ze almost unbe­lie­va­ble nego­tia­ti­on suc­cess.

At NAS­HER Semi­nar we will explo­re with you which Nego­tia­ti­on type You are. We give you the for you opti­mal nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques hand, so that you can befo­re, during and after the hea­ring feel com­for­ta­ble. Befo­re, becau­se you are just loo­king for­ward to using the tech­ni­ques that suit your natu­re. During, becau­se it works. And after­wards, becau­se you have achie­ved your nego­tia­ti­on goal! Cont­act us direct­ly here to our NAS­HER semi­nar!

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