
In a nego­tia­ti­on sce­na­rio at New York Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty, doc­to­ral stu­dent Peter Car­ne­va­le told his par­ti­ci­pan­ts that they were being wat­ched through a mir­rored glass win­dow while they were nego­tia­ting. And lo and behold, they sud­den­ly threa­ten­ed and tried to inti­mi­da­te their coun­ter­parts much more fre­quent­ly! Most of our semi­nar par­ti­ci­pan­ts — inclu­ding many expe­ri­en­ced pro­fes­sio­nal nego­tia­tors — have the fixed idea in their heads that they have to be tough as nails in order to be respec­ted as ’nego­tia­tors’.

Domi­nan­ce is not nego­tia­ti­on

Hol­ly­wood movies have shaped the image of the nego­tia­tor, for whom lea­der­ship dis­play­ed domi­nan­ce and who has litt­le inte­rest in explo­ring the other’s inte­rests or incre­asing value for eit­her par­ty. The best nego­tia­tors, howe­ver, use their Nego­tia­ti­on the tech­ni­ques of deal design, whe­ther it’s cor­po­ra­te acqui­si­ti­ons or that nice hotel room.

Nego­tia­ti­on manage­ment means deal design

Of cour­se, this is not easy. Effec­ti­ve nego­tia­ti­on is as if you had a Puz­zle should assem­ble from a thousand parts wit­hout kno­wing the motif. Crea­ti­vi­ty and open­ness are the key cha­rac­te­ristics for this. Don’t buy into the com­mon myth that win-win is about com­pro­mi­se, or about being nai­ve and soft on your nego­tia­ting part­ner. Nego­tia­ti­on is about being tough and fle­xi­ble at the same time: tough on your nego­tia­ting inte­rests, but fle­xi­ble on how to get them through.
For the opti­mal nego­tia­ti­on build a good rela­ti­onship with the other per­son from the begin­ning, but always sepa­ra­te the per­son from the pro­blem. Use the­se methods for yours­elf and the other per­son: Just as King Midas tur­ned ever­y­thing he touch­ed into gold, you should turn every nego­tia­ti­on you start into gold for both par­ties. The Nego­tia­ti­on Book DEAL! from Jack Nas­her bears the sub­tit­le “You give me what I want!”; howe­ver, it would be com­ple­te only with the addi­ti­on: “And I will give you what you want!
How you can con­fi­dent­ly take the lead in any nego­tia­ti­on. per­fect nego­tia­ti­on wit­hout put­ting on airs and graces, but with cle­ver words, we show you in the NAS­HER Semi­nar. Regis­tra­ti­on here!


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