Nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning with Jack Nas­her

Peo­p­le do a lot to pro­long their lives, but very litt­le to impro­ve them! Very few peo­p­le deal with effec­ti­ve nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques. But at busi­ness schools, the situa­ti­on is com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent: Nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning is not only man­da­to­ry here, it is one of the most popu­lar cour­ses. Sure­ly this is one of the reasons that their gra­dua­tes — mana­gers, ban­kers, con­sul­tants — earn signi­fi­cant­ly more than the most high­ly qua­li­fied in other fields. After an effec­ti­ve nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning, you will no lon­ger miss oppor­tu­ni­ties and reach your per­so­nal poten­ti­al!

Learn nego­tia­ti­ons

Successful-negotiation“What have you nego­tia­ted today?”. With this ques­ti­on we often start our Nego­tia­ti­on Trai­ning and only slow­ly does ever­yo­ne beco­me awa­re of how many ever­y­day situa­tions are actual­ly Nego­tia­ti­on sce­na­ri­os repre­sent — the world is not­hing but a huge nego­tia­ting table! A good Nego­tia­ti­on semi­nar is at the same time nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning: Input and inter­ac­tion must be balan­ced. You want to get infor­ma­ti­on about the best nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques. But just infor­ma­ti­on alo­ne is not enough, you need to get the Nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques direct­ly. For this pur­po­se, we have our num­e­rous rea­li­stic nego­tia­ti­on sce­na­ri­os.


Nego­tia­ti­on simu­la­ti­ons

About the Har­vard Pro­gram on Nego­tia­ti­on, the Whar­ton Busi­ness School, Pro­fes­sor Nasher’s work at Munich Busi­ness School and our count­less Nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning with the most suc­cessful com­pa­nies in the world we have a uni­que set of Nego­tia­ti­on simu­la­ti­ons: Sales nego­tia­ti­ons, purcha­sing nego­tia­ti­ons, sala­ry nego­tia­ti­ons, coll­ec­ti­ve bar­gai­ning rounds with uni­ons and asso­cia­ti­ons, real estate purcha­ses — rea­li­stic and exci­ting nego­tia­ti­on sce­na­ri­os repre­sent a lar­ge part of our nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning!

Inter­ac­ti­ve sce­na­ri­os

Bes­i­des the Nego­tia­ti­on simu­la­ti­ons you also expe­ri­ence inter­ac­ti­ve sce­na­ri­os such as The cur­se of know­ledge, whe­re you learn to ques­ti­on the image you have in your head. At Ulti­ma­tum Game reco­gni­ze the limits of fair­ness: Your assi­gned part­ner gets 100 euros. He makes you an offer on how he wants to share the amount with you. Nego­tia­ti­on is not allo­wed, the­re are only one sin­gle offer. If you agree, the amount is divi­ded in exact­ly the same way. But if you refu­se, no one recei­ves any­thing. And, would you agree if your part­ner offe­red you one euro? Isn’t one euro bet­ter than not­hing? How important is fair­ness or per­cei­ved fair­ness in a nego­tia­ti­on and how can you take advan­ta­ge of this phe­no­me­non? This and many other uni­que expe­ri­en­ces in the NAS­HER Semi­nar will help you not only to knowhow to nego­tia­te cor­rect­ly, but it also imple­ment — as soon as you are out the door. Regis­ter here!

© Dra­go­nI­mages

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