High Collaborators enjoy negotiations because they enjoy solving tough problems in engaged, interactive ways. They are instinctively good at getting beneath the surface of conflicts to discover basic interests and new solutions. They enjoy the continuous flow of the negotiation process and encourage everyone to be involved. They are assertively and honestly committed to finding the best solution for everyone. 

A weakness is that people with a strong predisposition for collaborating sometimes needlessly create problems by transforming relatively simple situations into more complex and interesting occasions to practice their skills. This can irritate other people who want closure. High collaborators also need other less collaborative skills to claim their fair share of the gains, they help create. A high collaborate with a very low competing score can be at risk against a highly competitive counterpart. 

Low collaborators dislike using the bargaining process as a forum for creativity. These negotiators prefer having problems clearly specified before the negotiation begins and like to stick to the agenda and their preset goals once the meeting starts. They often bring a methodical pace, solid planning and a need for clarity to their practice. When the matter being negotiated is so complex that creativity is needed, low collaborators may slow the process down. One way for low collaborators to compensate for this weakness is to make liberal use of breaks in the process to gather their thoughts and reset their strategy. 
