DEAL! The most suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­on book in con­ti­nen­tal Euro­pe appears in a new edi­ti­on

DEAL! The most suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­on book Con­ti­nen­tal Euro­pe appears in the new edi­ti­on

Updated and pep­pe­red with nego­tia­ting ins­truc­tions The Spie­gel best­sel­ler returns for the digi­tal busi­ness

DEAL! was alre­a­dy enjoy­ing world­wi­de popu­la­ri­ty 10 years ago. More than 2,000,000 copies of the book have been sold from Chi­na to Ame­ri­ca, hel­ping its users to do bet­ter busi­ness.

Get the limi­t­ed edi­ti­on anni­ver­sa­ry edi­ti­on signed by Jack Nas­her hims­elf

26 € incl. VAT*

New in the anni­ver­sa­ry ver­si­on:

Known from:


More suc­cessful busi­ness

A deal is suc­cessful when both sides lea­ve the nego­tia­ti­on satis­fied. With DEAL! you will crea­te win-win situa­tions that will bene­fit you for years to come.

Signi­fi­cant pro­fits

Just a few well-nego­tia­ted minu­tes can make the dif­fe­rence bet­ween many hundreds of thou­sands of euros. The prac­ti­cal ins­truc­tions in DEAL! will enable you to shi­ne in the­se minu­tes.

Secu­ri­ty in vola­ti­le times

Peo­p­le are more cau­tious when doing busi­ness in uncer­tain eco­no­mic times. Howe­ver, if you can nego­tia­te good deals, this will not fall on your should­ers.


You are an entre­pre­neur and know that every per­cen­ta­ge point gai­ned in a nego­tia­ti­on makes a dif­fe­rence for you. And you want to rea­li­ze this.

DEAL! is writ­ten for entre­pre­neurswhich always results in the best out­co­me for both sides in a nego­tia­ti­on. Achie­ve maxi­mum pro­fit would like to.

You give yours­elf not satis­fied with com­pro­mi­sesbut want to sum­ma­ri­ze the most important fin­dings from cur­rent rese­arch and deca­des of prac­ti­cal nego­tia­ting expe­ri­ence to lead every con­ver­sa­ti­on to the best pos­si­ble out­co­me for you and your coun­ter­part.

If you want to obtain clear stra­te­gies in order to Bet­ter busi­ness then Deal is for you.

You get DEAL! for 26 Euro inclu­ding free ship­ping (Ger­ma­ny-wide — only abroad you will have to pay addi­tio­nal, small ship­ping cos­ts)

What enthu­si­a­stic cus­to­mers say about Nas­her



The latest nego­tia­ti­on methods that bring you more pro­fits, on 283 pages.


Over ten years ago, I was on vaca­ti­on in Istan­bul for a few days with my mother.

The dance of the der­vis­hes — mono­to­no­us but fasci­na­ting — gave me the idea for this book.

Within a few months, it wro­te its­elf, beca­me a best­sel­ler and was published around the glo­be.

At that time, I was in my ear­ly 30s and had only recent­ly beco­me a pro­fes­sor in Munich.

But after the book was published, things real­ly took off: apart from a num­ber of TV appearan­ces (free TV still had a cer­tain signi­fi­can­ce back then), more and more peo­p­le came to my semi­nars and the most pres­ti­gious com­pa­nies kno­cked on my door.

Sin­ce then, I’ve been in Hous­ton, Texas, nego­tia­ting oil rigs, pre­pa­ring the world’s lar­gest com­pa­nies for nego­tia­ti­on nights with labor uni­ons, but also hel­ping col­lege gra­dua­tes nego­tia­te their first sala­ry.

I have hel­ped women entre­pre­neurs sell their life’s work, con­vin­ced far­mers to sell their fields and nego­tia­ted with my nie­ces about who would clear the table.

A lot has hap­pen­ed in the past ten years, and the rich prac­ti­ce has acted as a spur and rein for the sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings of nego­tia­ti­on rese­arch.

When I read Deal! today, I’m sur­pri­sed at how much I alre­a­dy knew back then — even though I lacked so much expe­ri­ence. I’ve updated some things and added new ones.

Howe­ver, the basic frame­work has not chan­ged and I am plea­sed to offer you the com­bi­na­ti­on of rese­arch results and real life.

Well-foun­ded, tried and tes­ted in prac­ti­ce. And I can tell you with a clear con­sci­ence: this is the way to nego­tia­te!

Jack Nas­her,
Munich, August 2023


Level 1 | The power

Under­stand how to take the powerful, i.e. lea­ding posi­ti­on in the nego­tia­ti­on. This way, you set the con­di­ti­ons and never beco­me a sup­pli­cant who has to adapt to the nego­tia­ting partner’s terms.

Stage 2 | Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on

Learn exact­ly how you should com­mu­ni­ca­te with your nego­tia­ting part­ner, ver­bal­ly and non-ver­bal­ly. In such a way that you build a busi­ness-enhan­cing rela­ti­onship from which you will bene­fit at the clo­sing.

Level 3 | The inte­rests

This sec­tion shows you how to get what you real­ly want. Com­pro­mi­sing or even cut­ting back is not an opti­on.

Level 4 | The tech­ni­ques

Learn tech­ni­ques that will enable you to get signi­fi­cant­ly more out of nego­tia­ti­ons and laugh to yours­elf: “I can’t belie­ve it work­ed so easi­ly”.

Level 5 | The con­clu­si­on

Any nego­tia­ti­on is point­less if you don’t clo­se the deal cle­an­ly at the end. That’s why you’ll learn how to clo­se the deal on fair terms and get your counterpart’s signa­tu­re.

You get DEAL! for 26 Euro inclu­ding free ship­ping (Ger­ma­ny-wide — only abroad you will have to pay addi­tio­nal, small ship­ping cos­ts)

Inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed exper­ti­se


The VIP packa­ge for the book

Jack Nas­her reve­als for the first time what real­ly mat­ters in the book DEAL! and shows what mind­set suc­cessful deal­ma­kers have.

Take your first step on the way to beco­ming a deal­ma­ker — even befo­re you have your copy of DEAL! in your hands.

This cour­se is part of 100% for prac­ti­ce and you can easi­ly add it to your book order.



Jack Nas­her, born in 1979, is “one of the world’s lea­ding nego­tia­ti­on con­sul­tants” accor­ding to For­bes. He was born in Ger­ma­ny, stu­di­ed and taught at Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty and beca­me one of the youn­gest Bava­ri­an uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sors. The NAS­HER Nego­tia­ti­on Insti­tu­te, which he foun­ded, advi­ses and trains com­pa­nies all over the world with a focus on Ger­man SMEs.

Jack Nas­her has held posi­ti­ons at the Euro­pean Court of Jus­ti­ce, the United Nati­ons and the lea­ding Wall Street law firm Skad­den. Media such as the Wall Street Jour­nal, Die Zeit and the Har­vard Busi­ness Review have repor­ted on him. Jack Nasher’s books have been published from Chi­na to the USA and have beco­me best­sel­lers.

Jack Nasher’s aim is to unite the sci­ence and prac­ti­ce of opti­mal nego­tia­ti­on manage­ment.

Fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons

The enti­re con­tent of DEAL! has been review­ed and updated by Jack Nas­her. Spe­ci­fic new con­tent includes, for exam­p­le, the expan­si­on of digi­tal nego­tia­ti­on, which pro­mi­ses you good deals in the new age.

That this anni­ver­sa­ry edi­ti­on builds on what is pro­ba­b­ly the best-sel­ling nego­tia­ti­on book. This means that first-class con­tent has beco­me even bet­ter.

No. Of cour­se we will send you rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on about upco­ming events or semi­nars. But never fire a blind bom­bard­ment at you. If you do not wish to recei­ve this infor­ma­ti­on eit­her, you can easi­ly unsub­scri­be with just one click.

Have you ever had an expe­ri­ence that gave you a deeper insight into a sub­ject area and enab­led you to pro­vi­de even bet­ter gui­dance? In the new edi­ti­on of DEAL! 10 years of fur­ther nego­tia­ting expe­ri­ence from Jack Nas­her, which he will pass on to you.

It’s not know­ledge that makes you wise, but expe­ri­ence. In Deal! you will recei­ve ins­truc­tions from the thou­sands of nego­tia­ti­ons that Jack Nas­her has suc­cessful­ly con­duc­ted.

Yes, we natu­ral­ly requi­re that the hig­hest secu­ri­ty stan­dards are adhe­red to when pro­ces­sing pay­ments. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, our TÜV-cer­ti­fied Ger­man pay­ment pro­vi­der uses 256-bit encryp­ti­on, which gua­ran­tees a secu­re tran­sac­tion.

The 10th anni­ver­sa­ry edi­ti­on of the world­wi­de best­sel­ler

DEAL! You give me what I want!

This is how DEAL! chan­ges your nego­tia­ti­ons

You get DEAL! for 26 Euro inclu­ding free ship­ping (Ger­ma­ny-wide — only abroad you will have to pay addi­tio­nal, small ship­ping cos­ts)
