
Show what you are made of!
The sup­ple­men­ta­ry modu­le to Nego­tia­ti­on Pro­fes­sio­nal (Modu­le 2)

  • 1‑day inten­si­ve semi­nar
  • With Prof. Dr. Jack Nas­her
  • Imme­dia­te­ly appli­ca­ble know­ledge

The 1‑day semi­nar is based on the methods of Jack Nasher’s book CON­VIN­CED! (CONV!NCED), which has appeared around the glo­be and been cover­ed by the world’s most pres­ti­gious publi­ca­ti­ons — from the Wall Street Jour­nal to the Har­vard Busi­ness Review.

In a small group (typi­cal­ly about 20 par­ti­ci­pan­ts) you will learn pro­ven tech­ni­ques and methods, how to show your com­pe­tence and win peo­p­le over.

Show what you are made of — win ten­ders and enforce hig­her pri­ces — yes, save yours­elf annoy­ing pri­ce nego­tia­ti­ons once and for all!

Peo­p­le choo­se tho­se they think are com­pe­tent, they pre­fer to buy from the one they think is com­pe­tent. Becau­se per­cei­ved com­pe­tence is the most important qua­li­ty for pro­fes­sio­nal suc­cess!

At Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty, Jack Nas­her found the fac­tors with which you radia­te your exper­ti­se. In the semi­nar CON­VIN­CED! you will learn what the­se fac­tors are and how to use them in your ever­y­day life.


  • Why you can be good and no one will noti­ce
  • Per­cei­ved vs. actu­al com­pe­tence
  • The buil­ding blocks of the Com­pe­tence Dis­play


The Anti­ci­pa­ti­on Effect

  • How to mana­ge expec­ta­ti­ons cor­rect­ly
  • Lever­aging Loss Aver­si­on: Why peo­p­le don’t choo­se what they like best
  • How to spread con­fi­dence through the pri­ming tech­ni­que

Good and bad news

  • How to pre­sent good and bad news in the best pos­si­ble way
  • McArthur’s secrets and cri­sis PR for ever­y­day life
  • How to use pri­ma­cy and recen­cy effect opti­mal­ly


Com­pe­tence Framing

  • Cir­cum­s­tances and hap­pi­ness: this is how you con­trol the per­cep­ti­on of other fac­tors
  • Why you are a natu­ral

You will recei­ve the­se ser­vices