The Har­vard Method, quick­ly explai­ned by Jack Nas­her

The core of the Har­vard method is quick­ly explai­ned: Two sis­ters argue about an oran­ge, it gets lou­der and lou­der and final­ly the mother inter­ven­es and cuts the oran­ge in half — a see­mingly good nego­tia­ti­on solu­ti­on. But a lose-lose situa­ti­on, becau­se each gets only half of what he actual­ly wants. And what do they want? Well, one sis­ter wants to squeeze a juice, but the other wants to bake a cake and needs the peel. As is so often the case in nego­tia­ting situa­tions, the inte­rests of the two do not con­tra­dict each other at all — all you have to do is ask!

Har­vard con­cept means explo­ring inte­rests

Harvard ConceptAnd that is what is cal­led the Har­vard con­cept: the To find out the inte­rests of the two nego­tia­ting part­ners, ins­tead of focu­sing on the Nego­tia­ting posi­ti­ons to con­cen­tra­te. After all, accor­ding to the Har­vard method, posi­ti­ons are not­hing more than Inte­rests sym­ptoms. Ins­tead of rash­ly focu­sing on what I or the other per­son wants, we should take a step back and ask what is actual­ly our inte­rest behind it. And usual­ly you will find many dif­fe­rent posi­ti­ons on this. In the oran­ge exam­p­le of the Har­vard method, both sis­ters would have 100 % of what they actual­ly wan­ted. Admit­ted­ly, this is a situa­ti­on that almost only occurs in sales semi­nars or nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning on the Har­vard con­cept and rare­ly in rea­li­ty. But it is just as rare in rea­li­ty that ever­yo­ne has to get only 50 %!


Aggres­si­ve nego­tia­ti­on = lose-lose

When we are in our Nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning the semi­nar par­ti­ci­pan­ts for Nego­tia­ti­on simu­la­ti­ons into teams, we usual­ly hear some­thing like, “Well, who feels like losing today?” or, “We’ll do you all!” Such a nego­tia­ti­on stra­tegy is like one spou­se brag­ging about defea­ting the other at the wed­ding.
Aggres­si­ve nego­tia­tors, which is a Win-lose are not more suc­cessful becau­se they cau­se the other par­ty to block the deal. On avera­ge, they con­clude only half as many deals as coope­ra­ti­ve nego­tia­tors. And the nego­tia­ti­on deals they do reach bring them only the Half of the pos­si­ble nego­tia­ti­on result one. In other words: If you nego­tia­te aggres­si­ve­ly, you will get 75 % less than you could!

Win-Win is not a com­pro­mi­se!

Count­less nego­tia­ti­ons are struc­tu­red from the start in such a way that not­hing but a bunch of lazy com­pro­mi­ses can come out of it: Often the dif­fe­rent nego­tia­ti­on points The reason for this is that the argu­ments are not put on the table at the same time, but are work­ed through accor­ding to a list — often by lawy­ers who, unfort­u­na­te­ly, have not been trai­ned in the Har­vard method. Win-win is a term often used, but from our Nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning we know that almost no one under­stands what it actual­ly means. Most see not­hing here but the midd­le bet­ween two posi­ti­ons, that is, a com­pro­mi­se. Com­pro­mi­ses but are sub­ject to the com­ple­te­ly fal­se idea that our inte­rests are incom­pa­ti­ble with each other. In rea­li­ty, howe­ver, every human being has dif­fe­rent needs. To fathom the­se is the Key to the Har­vard Con­cept and thus to true win-win!
At NAS­HER Semi­nar you will learn how to use the Har­vard Con­cept methods in the best pos­si­ble way. You will get to the bot­tom of each other’s inte­rests and know how to Com­mu­ni­ca­te inte­rests opti­mal­ly — wit­hout reve­al­ing too much at once. But the NAS­HER semi­nar goes bey­ond the Har­vard method: becau­se win-win is not pos­si­ble with every nego­tia­ting part­ner. After the NAS­HER semi­nar, you will get the most out of even the toug­hest nego­tia­ting oppo­nent, becau­se you know the most effec­ti­ve psy­cho­lo­gi­cal nego­tia­ti­on stra­te­gies -… sign up now!


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