Nego­tia­ti­on Prac­ti­tio­ner

Start your jour­ney to beco­ming a nego­tia­ti­on expert and beco­me the best nego­tia­tor in your mar­ket.

The start of your nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning

  • The Best of Sci­ence & Prac­ti­ce
  • Rea­li­stic nego­tia­ti­on simu­la­ti­ons
  • Nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques of the pro­fes­sio­nals

The struc­tu­re

The nego­tia­ti­on semi­nar is based on the methods of Jack Nasher’s world best­sel­ler ‘Deal!’. In a small group you will learn pro­ven nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques and methods of suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­on. You will learn how to avo­id typi­cal mista­kes and how to defi­ne and achie­ve your goals. Exci­ting infor­ma­ti­on and grip­ping simu­la­ti­ons make the semi­nar edu­ca­tio­nal and enter­tai­ning at the same time. Rea­ding ‘DEAL!’ will prepa­re you for the semi­nar, but it is not neces­sa­ry: you do not need any pre­vious know­ledge and lea­ve with skills you can imple­ment imme­dia­te­ly!

Learn to read and per­sua­de peo­p­le to get what you real­ly want! In the nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning with Jack Nas­her you will learn how to nego­tia­te con­fi­dent­ly and suc­cessful­ly. Among the con­tents of the trai­ning are win-win tech­ni­ques of the ‘Har­vard Method’, sophisti­ca­ted per­cep­ti­on illu­si­ons of Nobel Pri­ze win­ner Kah­ne­man and cle­ver tac­tics of New York real estate tycoons — sci­ence and prac­ti­ce com­bi­ned in nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning.

Modu­le 1 (Nego­tia­ti­on Prac­ti­tio­ner)

In this trai­ning you will learn the 5 steps of suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­on.

Your bene­fit

After com­ple­ting this modu­le, you will not only know but mas­ter the most effec­ti­ve nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques. You will be able to assess your coun­ter­part and see through the tac­tics of expe­ri­en­ced nego­tia­tors. Your new­ly acqui­red skills will help you main­tain the upper hand in even the most cru­cial and com­plex nego­tia­ti­ons. 

After com­ple­ting this nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning, you will:

  • Under­stan­ding power games
  • Increase your nego­tia­ting power in the most mes­sy situa­ti­on
  • Obtain the cri­ti­cal infor­ma­ti­on
  • Know and imple­ment the Har­vard con­cept
  • Iden­ti­fy the most effec­ti­ve tac­tics and use them wise­ly
  • Do not make the typi­cal mista­kes at the home stretch


  • The “18th Camel” and the “Game of Life
  • The 3 Bar­riers to Nego­tia­ti­on:
    • Boul­wa­rism or why non-nego­tia­ti­on is use­l­ess
    • Why you don’t get what you deser­ve; but what you bar­gain for
    • Why women give away at least € 500 000 in 2 minu­tes but are actual­ly the bet­ter nego­tia­tors
  • Simu­la­ti­on: basic con­cepts of nego­tia­ti­on


  • The “inner Game”: 
    • The source of power
    • Why we unde­re­sti­ma­te our power
    • BAT­NA: The loa­ded gun
  • Simu­la­ti­on: Find the BAT­NA
  • Show power:
    • Scar­ci­ty effect: crea­te com­pe­ti­ti­ve situa­ti­on
    • Time: Why time is money in nego­tia­ti­on
    • The gol­den moment: Wou reco­gni­ze and use the peak of your power
    • Inte­rest: How to use the method of pick-up artists for nego­tia­ti­ons
    • Aut­ho­ri­ty: Why you should never have the last word


  • Rela­ti­onships:
    • Trans­cul­tu­ral dif­fe­ren­ces
    • How to turn enemies into allies
    • Recei­ve and show respect
    • The bal­c­o­ny — lear­ning from samu­rais
  • Infor­ma­ti­on:
    • Sig­mund Freud’s favo­ri­te tech­ni­que and how to use it
    • Asking the right ques­ti­ons — lear­ning from the CIA
    • The Colum­bo tech­ni­que
    • The Soviet Method and the Negotiator’s Dilem­ma


  • Why com­pro­mi­se is bad
  • Win-Win: Myth and Truth
  • The Har­vard con­cept: inte­rests ins­tead of posi­ti­ons
  • Find and reve­al inte­rests
  • The struc­tu­re of your next nego­tia­ti­on
  • Simu­la­ti­on: Inte­rest-based nego­tia­ti­on


  • Ancho­ring: He who starts, wins
  • Flinch & Crunch: React smart­ly
  • Fair­ness: under­stan­ding and mana­ging per­cep­ti­on
  • “Jade stone for brick”: opti­mal­ly struc­tu­re con­ces­si­on
  • Pro­s­pect Theo­ry: Frag­men­ting or Sum­ma­ri­zing the Bar­gai­ning Mass
  • Framing: how to move the refe­rence point

The con­clu­si­on:

  • Under­stan­ding and using the Con­cor­de effect
  • The Nib­ble: 5 % more per deal
  • The art of buil­ding a ‘gol­den bridge

9:15 Arri­val and han­ding out of docu­ments (only on day 1)

9:30–11:00 Semi­nar

11:00–11:15 Cof­fee break

11:15–12:45 Semi­nar

12:45–14:00 Lunch

14:00–15:30 Semi­nar

15:30–15:45 Cof­fee break

15:45–17:00 Semi­nar

(exact times may vary)

You will recei­ve the­se ser­vices for modu­le 1: