Nego­tia­ti­on Pro­fes­sio­nal

The nego­tia­ti­on trai­ning Nego­tia­ti­on Pro­fes­sio­nal  (Modu­le 2) is sui­ta­ble only for gra­dua­tes of Modu­le 1.

The advan­ced semi­nar for nego­tia­tors

  • Important nego­tia­ti­on know­ledge
  • Chal­len­ging nego­tia­ti­on simu­la­ti­ons
  • New nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques

Modu­le 2 (Nego­tia­ti­on Pro­fes­sio­nal)

The 2‑day trai­ning builds on modu­le 1 on. The five steps of nego­tia­ti­on are repea­ted, deepe­ned and prac­ti­ced with more com­plex simu­la­ti­ons. The focus is on prac­ti­cing the five steps with spe­cial focus and deepe­ning of BAT­NA, framing and nego­tia­ting as a team. In addi­ti­on, ques­tio­ning tech­ni­ques are prac­ti­ced here to enable you to find out how far your coun­ter­part will actual­ly go.

This trai­ning is sui­ta­ble exclu­si­ve­ly for gra­dua­tes of Modu­le 1.

Your bene­fit

After com­ple­ting this modu­le, you will not only know but mas­ter the most effec­ti­ve nego­tia­ti­on tech­ni­ques. You will be able to assess your coun­ter­part and see through even the most expe­ri­en­ced nego­tia­tor. Your new­ly acqui­red skills will help you main­tain the upper hand in even the most decisi­ve and com­plex nego­tia­ti­ons.

After this trai­ning you will:

  • Main­tain con­trol, over­view and upper hand in the most dif­fi­cult nego­tia­ti­ons
  • Inde­pendent­ly be able to prepa­re and con­duct nego­tia­ti­ons in a pro­fes­sio­nal man­ner
  • Nego­tia­te opti­mal­ly in teams: Asses­sing your coun­ter­part and using your team mem­bers cor­rect­ly
  • Mas­ter the most effec­ti­ve tech­ni­ques from rese­arch and prac­ti­ce
  • Reco­gni­zing tac­ti­cal maneu­vers and cal­ling the bluffs of the most expe­ri­en­ced nego­tia­tors 


  • Jiggsaw puz­zle: repe­ti­ti­on of Modu­le 1
  • Nego­tia­ti­on stra­tegy pre­pa­ra­ti­on with the NAS­HER Play­book
  • New order after Nego­tia­ti­on chro­no­lo­gy


  • BAT­NA Deepe­ning and exer­cise
  • Exer­cise Anchor + objec­ti­ve cri­ter­ion
  • Repe­ti­ti­on: stra­te­gic accom­mo­da­ti­on
  • Framing in the nego­tia­ti­on: influen­cing the coun­ter­part
  • The Decoy effect: Crea­te packa­ges and influence decis­i­ons 


Simu­la­ti­on hydrau­lic pumps: Imple­men­ta­ti­on of all the tech­ni­ques lear­ned during the day 

Mini Cases: Bluff test to find the truth

Par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the decis­i­on-making pro­cess:

  • Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of the coun­ter­part 
  • Nego­tia­te opti­mal­ly in the Team
  • Good Cop — Bad Cop 

Crea­te value:  

  • Anger use cor­rect­ly
  • Deepe­ning Para­phra­se
  • Exer­cise Acti­ve lis­tening + para­phra­sing
  • Brain­stor­ming for the nego­tia­ti­on
  • Role Rever­sal: look at the nego­tia­ti­on from the other person’s per­spec­ti­ve

Final simu­la­ti­on and ela­bo­ra­ti­on Reso­lu­ti­ons

9:15 Arri­val and han­ding out of docu­ments (only on day 1)

9:30–11:00 Semi­nar

11:00–11:15 Cof­fee break

11:15–12:45 Semi­nar

12:45–14:00 Lunch

14:00–15:30 Semi­nar

15:30–15:45 Cof­fee break

15:45–17:00 Semi­nar

(exact times may vary)

Yes! You lik­ed the first trai­ning and you were alre­a­dy able to achie­ve nego­tia­ti­on suc­cess? Then you will love the advan­ced trai­ning modu­le 2.

With Modu­le 1 you have laid the foun­da­ti­on of your nego­tia­ti­on skills and you know the struc­tu­re of suc­cessful nego­tia­ti­on. In Modu­le 2 you will deepen the tech­ni­ques, learn new things and com­ple­te chal­len­ging nego­tia­ti­on simu­la­ti­ons.

You will recei­ve the­se ser­vices for modu­le 2: