Sales Nego­tia­ti­on

Psy­cho­lo­gists Syd­ney Sie­gel and Law­rence Fou­ra­ker con­duc­ted a now famous nego­tia­ti­on expe­ri­ment: They pro­mi­sed ‘test nego­tia­tors’ a bonus round whe­re ever­yo­ne could dou­ble their pro­fit.

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In a nego­tia­ti­on sce­na­rio at New York Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty, doc­to­ral stu­dent Peter Car­ne­va­le told his par­ti­ci­pan­ts that while they were nego­tia­ting, they were wat­ching through a mir­rored glass win­dow

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Nego­tia­te cor­rect­ly

If you nego­tia­te pro­per­ly, you will save mil­li­ons in big nego­tia­ti­ons, but you will also walk away from the count­less small nego­tia­ti­ons of ever­y­day life with the maxi­mum. You

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